Observation Day
Hey there! Now, I’d like to continue the result in MinSCAT Bongabong Campus based my observation :)
My first and only observation also took a look to how Mam Shelyn taught. Before teaching in class, she also has to prepare the lesson plan, just like what will we do in our teaching time. She was really enjoying to teach the students because of she was really comprehend what material that she will delivered the knowledge to student. She taught with clearly and easy explanation. The picture above is our beautiful instructor, Man Shelyn.
The methods of teaching in this school use two common method, they are teacher centered and teacher centered. But especially in my class or grade 8, the teacher used teacher centered because the students not really put their attention to the teacher if the teaching and learning process is if bored. Even the teacher/ Mam Shelyn was really close with students. Wherever the teacher was, the students always greet “Mam!” This way was easy to get the teacher attention and the end the goal is expected to get positive result from testing and assessment.
The teacher gave the material based on the material on the book of “Voyages in Communication English Learner’s Module Grade 8”. The learning materials were including with reading comprehension, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and writing. Sometimes before the new material that will teach for students, teacher also gave a motivation. Motivation here such is as warming up before the lesson starts. The motivation can be describe a picture, sing a song, guess the word, and others.
The source learning of students was using a cell phone in kind of technology, because they will find the material through internet. The existence of internet was really helping the students because they can now the material in fact, they didn’t have any copy of book so they find it in internet. That’s why the students need to be taught with teacher centered because sometimes they will be confused in solving the problem. The learning process also common used with traditional way or the teacher often uses their book than show presentation in front of class with projector.
The source learning of students was using a cell phone in kind of technology, because they will find the material through internet. The existence of internet was really helping the students because they can now the material in fact, they didn’t have any copy of book so they find it in internet. That’s why the students need to be taught with teacher centered because sometimes they will be confused in solving the problem. The learning process also common used with traditional way or the teacher often uses their book than show presentation in front of class with projector.
The goal of teaching and learning can be reached by assessing the result of student tests or the activity that they do in class. The assessment achieved by giving task individually and by grouping or it was also can be pair work. The other consideration also will be included in giving score.
The students there or especially my class in grade 8, were good enough. Haha it means that they followed me as a pre-service teacher but sometimes they ignored me. I really thought how I can get their attention at that time and day by day they can understand the material whereas I delivered my own material into the simple one so the students can easy to understand. Now, I definitely love them as my students. <3
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